Blog Tour – A Wedding in the Sun by Leonie Mack @LeonieMAuthor @rararesources @BoldwoodBooks #BookReview #boldwoodbloggers #BlogTour #RespectRomFic #PublicationDay #AWeddingInTheSun

I often mention favourite authors and through blogging, I have definitely added to my list.  I’m delighted to include Leonie Mack in that group, and I eagerly await each of her books.  Her stories have whisked me away to foreign lands without setting foot over the threshold, and I’ve enjoyed every moment. If you want to read a few of my previous reviews, you can follow these links: We’ll Always Have Venice and Snow Days with You.

I’m grateful to Rachel Gilbey of Rachel’s Random Resources for the blog tour invite and to Boldwood Books for providing my digital review copy via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. You can ready my thoughts below.


Four exes and a wedding. And a road trip no one expected…

Jo Watters would rather do anything than go to her ex-husband Ben’s wedding to perfect Monica, and if it wasn’t for her beloved children she would already be far, far away. But having promised to be civilised for the sake of their soon-to-be-blended family she is headed to Spain with a fixed smile and hoping for a very fixed drink!

But when Jo realises that she’s on the same plane as Monica’s ex-husband, the devastatingly handsome but equally cantankerous Adrián, she thinks her trip can’t get any worse… she’s wrong. When bad weather forces the plane to land the wrong side of the Pyrenees, and the hotel they’re sent to only has one double room available Jo begins to wish she was anywhere – anywhere – but here…

Determined to get to the wedding however they can, Jo and Adrián make an unlikely team, but as their disastrous trip continues, Jo starts to wonder if fate has other ideas for her and Adrián, especially when he seems to be getting more handsome by the day…maybe this trip won’t be so terrible after all?

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Each book I read by Leonie Mack feels like a new favourite, and A Wedding in the Sun is one of her best. The construction is whip-smart, and the characters are terrific.  I could easily picture them as the story unfolded and feel myself relaxing into the hilarious twists and turns. 

Jo is a fiercely independent woman who has emerged from divorce with a determination that is impossible to challenge.  She is just about ready for another relationship, although walking away from her husband almost broke her.  Her life is now organised to ensure everything runs like clockwork and her children come first. She certainly doesn’t need the laid-back attitude of the ex-husband of her ex’s new bride.  She finds him to be unreliable and irritating beyond belief.

The events that started with a seemingly straightforward flight had me in stitches as I eagerly flipped the pages.  I could easily envision this story on the big screen, with Jo and Adrián’s antics providing endless laughter.  As they navigated from one chaotic situation to the next, their witty banter was perfectly timed, and the growing attraction between them was palpable.

Adrián, with his rugged good looks, laidback demeanour, and charming Spanish accent, had me swooning from the start. He was the epitome of a perfect book boyfriend, unflappable even in the face of adversity. But beneath his cool exterior, it was clear that his son’s happiness was his top priority, adding a layer of depth to his character that was truly endearing.

I just loved the characters in this book; even the prospective bride and groom were ultimately likeable, even though Monica was not a hit with Jo’s daughter! I particularly enjoyed the visit with Carles, Adrián’s mentor in the art of Spanish guitar.  Such kind people are a rare treat, and I loved meeting them.

If you fancy an entertaining trip across a couple of European countries, some hilarious moments and a real enemies-to-lovers story, A Wedding in the Sun will tick all your boxes. I cannot recommend it more highly.

Author Bio

Leonie Mack is an author of romantic comedies with great international locations and big feelings. She loves a happy ending and shares that love in every book she writes! Her titles take readers across Italy and as far as the Caribbean.

Leonie is a journalism graduate, a language nut and loves to travel, particularly on foot, by bike and by train. After growing up in Australia and living most of her adult life in London, she now lives in Germany, among the vineyards on the Main river.

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